The teenager seems to have replaced the Communist as the appropriate target for public controversy and foreboding. ~Edgar Friedenberg, The Vanishing Adolescent

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Anita Hill voicemail

An ABC blog post quotes both the voicemail left for Anita Hill by Virginia Thomas and both of their responses after the voicemail was left.

1 comment:

  1. this is completely unrelated, but i want to leave this somewhere before i leave class and forget:

    if you copy and paste this into terminal, and press run, it'll do it automatically. i have it set to 300 seconds which translate into every 5 minutes but it's totally changeable

    set f to choose folder with prompt "Screenshots will be saved here"
    set f to POSIX path of f
    set f to quoted form of f
    repeat with c from 1 to 9999
    do shell script "screencapture " & f & "screenshot" & c & ".png"
    delay 300
    end repeat
